Saturday, 19 October 2019


My heart is full of praise and gratitude,i cannot really express how I feel at the moment,2019 has been a year full of lessons,growth and change.

I am thankful for the bad moments,they gave me strength and experience.

I appreciate the blessings and good tidings happening around my life.

I am ever grateful for life.

I appreciate my parents,and grateful for my lessons,I cannot thank God enough for giving me such a beautiful family.

I appreciate the people i have met along the way,they have shown me the true value of friendship.

I look forward to the years,the good and the challenging moments,I believe and trust God for strength to pull through.

And oh  I cant wait to enjoy the many blessings he has in store for me.

Lord help me understand your love more fully.Make me more aware of your accompanying presence in my life.Help me know that you are always for me and never against me in spite of what i think.Let me walk in the confidence of who I am ,with you on my side like this ,I can never lose.

Monday, 22 July 2019

Remember the phrase “forgive and forget”? A very common thing to say or hear especially within the four walls of the church. I, personally have found myself use this phrase in many attempts to help someone completely forget about some kind of pain they had been caused by someone else. It is only with time that I have come to realise it is a dangerous way to live life.
I am an introvert. Those close to me know that I can only hold a conversation for so long and then quickly want to call it quits not because I have something else important to do but simply because I enjoy my own company. For people like myself, It’s easy to say “oh that’s okay” after experiencing some kind of hurt but subconsciously store it up in some part of our memory only to realise we aren’t ‘so okay’ after all, when something similar re occurs. Many times we are hurt because we place people in high expectations and are unable to release them when they disappoint the role we needed them to fill.
Forgive and forget makes a nice slogan but the reality is, it is almost impossible to erase memories connected to your life that caused you to question your ability to trust again. I’ve had people ask me “Is it possible to forgive and forget?” Recently, my answer has always been forgive and remember.
I’ve had lessons from broken relationships that I still treasure and keep. Did it hurt? Yes! Do I still feel the pain when the memory comes to mind? No. But I’d forever cherish what my pain taught me. Yours may be a lost job or perhaps a broken marriage you invested so much time and effort into. Unforgiveness is surely poisonous but the real test of genuity in your forgiveness is the emotions that are stirred up in you when you remember whatever it is that caused you pain.
Our smile is the best camouflage that our bodies automatically exhibit as proof of “forgive and forget” but the reason I say ‘remember’ is to help you examine the state of your heart in a likely re occurrence of a similar situation. Will your heart still ache? Will you feel the need to distance yourself all the more from the villain? As nature has it, the true test of healing is not when the scar disappears but when we can no longer feel the pain in the same spot we used to. My new expression for such scars is; “God always leaves evidence”.
If we are able to recognise that people hurt us often out of their own brokenness or immaturity, we will develop a sense of empathy towards them which allows us to release them very quickly.
By all means forgive but don’t forget. Remember until all of your hurt and pain is translated into empathy and maturity. Until the situation becomes so irrelevant to your present that you forget why you were hurting in the first place. Perhaps you may discover broken places in your life that needs healing too. Don’t be quick to tuck your hurt under a carpet labelled “forget”. It’s only a matter of time and you’d find blood oozing from the same spot at the slightest tickle.  Why such a hurry to forget though? Maybe because it still hurts? And if it does, maybe your forgiveness is not complete. Don’t get me wrong. There are times the enemy capitalises on our rememberance to cause unnecessary pain and that should be prayed out. By all means forgive and remember Pain is only your servant never your master.

Monday, 17 June 2019


There is one thing that I believe in, that  our worth and value is found in God. He calls us sons and daughters of the most high God. As daughter of the king we are all ;

Glorious, Romans 8:17 says that now if we are children of God, then we are heirs, and co-heirs with Christ, if  indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory.

Beautiful: Beauty is often expressed in terms of our outward appearance, but her there is great emphasis and increased significance to our inner beauty, in 1 Peter 3;3-4,it tells us that our adornment.,must not be merely external braiding of hair and wearing of gold and jewelry or putting on dresses, rather it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of worth in God's sight. If we are daughters of the king, then we are noble and posses royalty.  1 Peter 2:9 tells us that but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of God's own possession, so that you may proclaim excellencies of Him who has called you out darkness into his marvelous light.
 As daughters of the king ,we are surrounded by gladness and rejoicing, Psalm 30:11-12,You have turned my mourning into dancing, you have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness that my soul may sing praise to you and not be silent .
He calls us valuable, Psalms 39:13-14 says that" "For ye formed my inward parts,you wove me in my mother's womb, I will give thanks to you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made e must always remember that our worth  is not found in our bodies, our beauty, what others think of us, our degrees, it is found in God who has called us as His own and loved us.

So put your shoulders back, don't you know you are beautiful,walk around looking like you know, and if you see your sister walk around looking like she forgot, like all her dreams got crushed, You better remind her.CHEERS