Friday 9 November 2018


What is more beautiful than a blooming flower,what is more charming than a lovely sunset?  My dear friends ,I don't know about you,but I believe it is a smile.

A smile ,it is said is of no use unless it is given away,it may just take a few seconds for you to gift a smile to someone  but the memory of that smile,the cheer and hope ,it might have given to that person would last a lifetime.

At the same time,it is always a joy to watch an innocent new-born baby smile,that is life at its beginning ready to move on.It is again a joy to see the smile on the wrinkled face of an old man or woman looking back at life with the satisfaction of having run their race well.

Sadly ,so many people simply forget to smile as they worry too much about what is going to happen tomorrow. 1 Peter 5:7 says that "Cast all your anxiety unto God for he cares for you. It is this sure knowledge that God cares for you,that  makes you smile more even in the difficult times.

Always put a smile on your face because it is a very powerful weapon,not a cheesy fake one,but a genuine smile of happiness.
I gurantee you,if you do this,you will feel so much better. Remember God is always faithful,He will hold you up. Rejoice,because all things work together for our good.

We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do,Mother Theresa
,So why dont you just smile.